Services We Offer
As a home based agency, AIM has the ability to tailor your child's ABA therapies to meet your child's and your family's needs. We are able to offer a highly
flexible treatment plan designed to supplement or replace facility-based care. This often includes a mixture of home-based, community based, and school based
sessions designed to ensure your child has access to effective therapy. Home, community and school-based sessions typically include a 1:1 behavior technician
who provides ABA therapy catered to the environment they are located. The goal of these sessions is to help increase language and communication skills,
improve attention, focus, social skills, academics, and to decrease problematic behaviors.
Applied Behavioral Analysis
AIM believes the best approach to treatment for an individual diagnosed with ASD is through Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).
ABA uses the principles of behavior (e.g., positive reinforcement) to create positive changes in a person’s life. It helps us to understand how
behavior works, how it is affected by the environment, and how learning takes place.
ABA is a common treatment used to treat and motivate children and individuals diagnosed with ASD. The goal of ABA is to increase positive
behaviors while decreasing those that are harmful or have a negative impact on learning. If used appropriately, ABA treatment can help a child succeed in
school, effectively communicate with others, increase independence, fulfill life interests, develop genuine social reciprocity, and develop meaningful,
lifelong relationships.
While ABA involves many techniques, it does offer flexible treatment to adapt to the unique needs of each child. One of the main strategies of ABA is
positive reinforcement. Research has shown that when behavior is followed by positive reinforcement (a reward), a child is more likely to repeat that
behavior. Over time, this repetition results in a positive behavior change.
AIM’s Applied Behavioral Analysis services are provided by Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) and Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT).
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
A BCBA is a practitioner who has completed a master program, supervised practicum, and passed a certification exam. A BCBA is responsible for skill
and functional assessments, treatment/behavior plan development and updates, caregiver training, and supervising RBTs.
Registered Behavior Technician (RBT)
An RBT is a practitioner who has completed high school or equivalent, 40 hours of ABA training, passed a competency assessment, and passed an exam.
RBTs work under the supervision of BCBAs to provide direct services to clientele.